Interact with Proxyman via Command Line.
Proxyman provides a useful command-line tool to enhance your onboarding experience ✅.
You can access the tool at /Applications/
1. Export Proxyman config
Export all debugging tools rules, such as SSL Proxying List, Breakpoint, Map Local, Scripting, Block List, Allow List, Reverse Proxy, and Network Conditions.
By default, the export
command will export all rules. To exclude particular rules, please uncheck the "Enabled" column in each debugging tool and use the -m enabledRules
For example:
Export all debugging tool rules:
$ /Applications/ export -o ~/Desktop/data.json
Only export enabled rules:
$ /Applications/ export -m enabledRules -o ~/Desktop/data.json
2. Import Proxyman config
Import Proxyman debugging tools rules that you have exported by the export command.
By default, new imported rules will be appended to the existing debugging rules. To override all rules, let use -m override
For example:
Import all debugging rules by appending them:
Import, but override all my existing rules:
3. Activate/Unlink License
Please check out the command for activating and unlinking a license.
License4. Toggle HTTP System Proxy
From Proxyman 4.8.0 and later, we can toggle the Proxy System by command line. It's useful for Raycast Extension
5. Clear Session
We can clear the current Session from the command line. Available for Proxyman 4.12.0 and later.
6. Toggle Debugging Tools
Toggle Breakpoint, Map Local, and Scripting Tool by command line. Available for Proxyman 4.12.0 and later.
7. Install the Proxy Helper Tool by command line
From macOS 4.12.0 or later, you can install the Helper Tool without GUI.
8. Export Proxyman Log
Proxyman macOS v5.11.0 now supports:
Export all (ProxymanSession)
Export certain domains (Only Host, no scheme, no port, no paths, and no Query)
9. Import Custom Root Certificate
✅ Import Custom p12 Root Certificate to Proxyman
Automatically Trust the certificate in System Keychain (sudo required)
Available from Proxyman macOS 5.15.0 or later
Install and trust
Install but not trust (you might need to trust it manually in the Keychain)
Last updated