Snippet Code

The collection of useful snippet code for the Scripting tool

1. What's it?

A collection of snippet Javascript code for the Scripting Tool.

2. Common on Request and Response

3. Addons

4. Regex

5. Import / Export Files

6. Miscellaneous

7. Encryption/Decryption

8. Map Remote with Scripting

9. Make Async/await HTTP Request (macOS)

9.1. Make Async/await HTTP Request (Windows/Linux)

10. URL and URLSearchParams

11. Access Environment Variables

HTTP Header

Add/Update: Request or Response Header

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    // Add or update Request Header
    request.headers["X-Proxyman-Key"] = "My-Value"; = "Proxyman";
    return request;

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
    // Add or update Response Header
    response.headers["X-Proxyman-Key"] = "My-Value"; = 100;
    return response;

Delete: Request or Response Header

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    delete request.headers["X-Proxyman-Key"];
    return request;

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
    delete response.headers["X-Proxyman-Key"];
    return response;

Request Query


function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.queries["name"] = "Proxyman";
    request.queries["platform"] = "macOS";
    // =>
    return request;


function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    delete request.queries["name"];
    delete request.queries["platform"];
    return request;

URLEncoded Form Body


function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    // Make sure the Response Header is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    // Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded   
    var formBody = request.body;

    formBody["name"] = "Proxyman";
    formBody["flatform"] = "macOS";

    request.body = formBody; // => name=Proxyman&platform=macOS
    return request;


function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    // Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    var formBody = request.body;

    delete formBody["name"];
    delete formBody["flatform"];

    request.body = formBody;
    return request;

Change Request Destination (scheme, host, port, path)

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.scheme = "http"; = "";
    request.port = 9090;
    request.path = "v1/data/user";
    return request;


function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.scheme = "http";
    request.port = 80; // Don't forget to override the port
    return request;


function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.scheme = "https";
    request.port = 443; // Don't forget to override the port
    return request;

Change HTTP Request Method

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.method = "POST";
    return request;

Change Response HTTP Status Code

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
    response.statusCode = 404;
    return response;


On Request

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    // Set JSON content
    request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
    // Get Request body
    var jsonBody = request.body;
    // Modify data
    jsonBody["name"] = "Proxyman";
    jsonBody["flatform"] = "macOS";
    jsonBody["info"] = { 
                        "website": "",
                        "region": "Earth"
    // Set it again        
    request.body = jsonBody;
    return request;

On Response

function onResponse(context, url, request, response)  {
    // Set JSON content
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
    // Get Request body
    var jsonBody = response.body;
    // Modify data
    jsonBody["name"] = "Proxyman";
    jsonBody["flatform"] = "macOS";
    jsonBody["info"] = { 
                        "website": "",
                        "region": "Earth"
    // Set it again        
    response.body = jsonBody;
    return response;

Map a local file to Response's Body like Map Local Tool (Proxyman 2.25.0+)

It's a convenient way to directly set a local file to a Body by using bodyFilePath property

// For request
request.bodyFilePath = "~/Desktop/image.png";

// For response
response.bodyFilePath = "~/Desktop/image.png";
function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/png";
  response.bodyFilePath = "~/Desktop/image.png";
  // Done
  return response;
function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
  response.bodyFilePath = "~/Desktop/my_response.json";
  // Done
  return response;

Use JSON File as a Body of Request or Response

It's possible to use your JSON file and set it as a Request/Response's body

Please follow this tutorial.

Use multiple JSON files

You can use set a different body for each matching endpoint by using the IF statement.

  1. Follow this tutorial to understand how to import a JSON file to the script

  2. Set Script Rule with wildcard or Regex pattern that can match many endpoints. E.g*

  3. Use `includes()` to check whether or not the endpoint is matched

const file_1 = require("@users/myfile_1.json");
const file_2 = require("@users/myfile_2.json");
const file_3 = require("@users/myfile_3.json");

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  // Set JSON content
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
  // Check
  if (url.includes("v1/data")) {
    response.body = file_1
  } else if (url.includes("v2/login")) {
      response.body = file_2
  } else if (url.includes("v3/user")) {
      response.body = file_3

  // Done
  return response;

Map Local with GraphQL


// Import your JSON file here 
const file = require("@users/B02D96D5.default_message_32E64A5B.json");

function onRequest(context, url, request) {

  // 1. Extract the queryName from the request
  var queryName = request.body.query.match(/\S+/gi)[1].split('(').shift();

  // 2. Save to sharedState
  sharedState.queryName = queryName

  // Done
  return request;

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {

  // 3. Check if it's the request we need to map
  if (sharedState.queryName == "user") {
    // 4. Import the local file by Action Button -> Import
    // Get the local JSON file and set it as a body (like Map Local)
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
    response.body = file;

  // Done
  return response;

Use ArrayBuffer in Request/Response Body

Since Javascript doesn't have the Data object type, the Data Body will convert to Base64 Encoded String in Javascript. To pass Uint8Array, blob, or ArrayBuffer to the body, make sure you convert to Base64 Encoded String and set the ContentType to application/octet-stream

Proxyman will convert Base64 Encoding to ArrayBuffer, so the client will receive the data properly.

// Import
const { btoa } = require('@addons/Base64.js');

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  // Construct the ArrayBuffer
  const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(256)
  const view = new Uint8Array(buffer)
  for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
    view[i] = i
  // Convert ArrayBuffer to Base64String
  var newBody = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer)));
  // Set new body
  response.body = newBody;
  response.statusCode = 200
  response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'

  // Done
  return response;

Preserve the Host

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.preserveHostHeader = true
    return request

Comment & Highlight with color

Use comment or color to highlight on the main table view.

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
    request.comment = "It's a Request"
    request.color = "red" // red, blue, yellow, purple, gray, green
    return request

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
    response.comment = "It's a Response"
    response.color = "yellow" // red, blue, yellow, purple, gray, green
    return response

Import Files with require()


  1. Prepare a JSON file and save it to your Desktop

// myfile.json
  "name": "Proxyman",
  "platform": "macOS",
  "info": {
    "website": "",
    "region": "Earth"

2. More -> Import JSON or Other Files. Then selecting your file

3. Proxyman will add the import code to the top of the script

// ~/Library/Application Support/com.proxyman.NSProxy/users/myfile.json
const file = require("@users/myfile.json");

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  // 1. Set header to JSON if need
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";

  // 2. Set Body as a imported file
  response.body = file;
  return response;

Binary File

  1. Follow the same above instruction (Select your Binary File)

  2. Set it as a body

// ~/Library/Application Support/com.proxyman.NSProxy/users/myscreenshot.png
const file = require("@users/myscreenshot.png");

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  // Set header
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/png";

  // Set Body
  response.body = file;
  return response;

Text-Based File

  1. Follow the same above instruction (Select your Binary File)

  2. Set it as a body

// ~/Library/Application Support/com.proxyman.NSProxy/users/main.css
const file = require("@users/main.css");

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  // Set header
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/css";

  // Set Body
  response.body = file;
  return response;

Import File without using the "Import Tool"

From Proxyman 2.24.0+, you can import any files without using the "Import File".

// Import your file from your Desktop folder
const file = require("~/Desktop/myfile.json");

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {

  // 1. Set header to JSON if need
  response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";

  // 2. Set Body as a imported file
  response.body = file;
  return response;
  • If the file has ".js" as an extension => Proxyman will execute it as a JS Script

  • Otherwise, Proxyman will import it as normal

Use as Mock API

You can use Scripting as a Mock API by following this guideline.

Using Addons

Full list of built-in addons

Use Base64 Addon

// Encode Base64
const { btoa } = require("@addons/Base64.js")

// Usage:
var text = "HelloWorld";
var encodedText = btoa(text);
// Decode Base64
const { atob } = require("@addons/Base64.js")

// Usage:
var text = atob("aGVsbG8=");

Use Hashing Addon (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512)

// Hash MD5
const { md5 } = require("@addons/MD5.js")

// Usage:
var hashedText = md5("Hello World");
// Hash SHA1
const { sha1 } = require("@addons/SHA1.js")

// Usage:
var hashedText = sha1("Hello World");

Use UUID-v4 Addon

// Hash MD5
const { uuidv4 } = require("@addons/UUID.js")

// Usage:
var uuid = uuidv4();

Deflate/Inflate and GZip/UnGZip


const { inflate, deflate } = require("@addons/Pako.js")

// Compress
var input = "Hello World from Pako!!!"
var result = deflate(input);
console.log(result); // eJzzSM3JyVcIzy/KSVFIK8rPVQhIzM5XVFQEAGsMB/8=

// Decompress
var text = 'eJzzSM3JyVcIzy/KSVFIK8rPVQhIzM5XVFQEAGsMB/8=';
var rawText = inflate(text);
console.log(rawText); // Hello World from Pako!!!


const { ungzip, gzip } = require("@addons/Pako.js")

// Compress
var text =  'HelloWorld';
var result = gzip(text);
console.log(result); // H4sIAAAAAAAAA/NIzcnJD88vykkBAHkMd3cKAAAA

// Decompress
var text =  'H4sIAAAAAAAAA/NIzcnJD88vykkBAHkMd3cKAAAA';
var rawText = ungzip(text);
console.log(rawText); // HelloWorld

JWT Decode

const { jwtDecode } = require('@addons/JWTDecode.js');

var text = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c';
var jSONObject = jwtDecode(text)


// Print the obj
const myObj = {};

// Print type of the obj


Only number

//Init Regex
var reg = /^-?\d*\.?\d*$/;

if (reg.test("123123123")) {

Regex to get the Scheme, Host, Port, Path, and Query of the URL

function onRequest(context, url, request) {

  // Get each part
  const regex = /^(https?):\/\/([^:\/\n]+)(?::(\d+))?([^#\n?]+)(?:\?([^#\n]+))?/;
  const [, scheme, host, port, path, query] = url.match(regex);

  // Assign again
  request.scheme = scheme; = host;
  if (port !== undefined) {
    request.port = parseInt(port);
  request.path = path;

  // Log

  // Done
  return request;


By-pass CORS

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {  

  // Allow all
  response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*";
  response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "*";
  response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "*";

  // Done
  return response;

Inject Header to Request / Response

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // add header
  request.headers["My-Injected-Header"] = "Proxyman";
  return request

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {    
  // add header
  response.headers["My-Injected-Header"] = "Proxyman";
  return response;

Response delay with sleep() function

It's useful for simulating the "Slow Network" on a particular Request or Response. You can check out the Network Conditions tool for GUI.

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {
  console.log("Start sleep");
  // Sleep 5 seconds
  // Done
  return response;

AES Encryption/Decryption

const { encryptAES, decryptAES } = require("@addons/CryptoJS.js")

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // Encrypt
  var message = 'my message from Proxyman';
  var password = 'secret key 123';
  var ciphertext = encryptAES(message, password);
  // Decrypt
  var originalText = decryptAES(ciphertext, password);

  // Done
  return request;

DES Encryption/Decryption

const { encryptDES, decryptDES } = require("@addons/CryptoJS.js")

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // Encrypt
  var message = 'my message from Proxyman';
  var password = 'secret key 123';
  var ciphertext = encryptDES(message, password);
  // Decrypt
  var originalText = decryptDES(ciphertext, password);

  // Done
  return request;

Write / Export to a local file

  • Override Mode

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {

  // Write to single file
  writeToFile(response.body, "~/Desktop/body.json");
  // Write the Body to file with flow ID
  writeToFile(response.body, "~/Desktop/sample-" +;
  // Done
  return response;
  • Append Mode (Only for Proxyman 3.6.2+)

async function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {

  // Append to the existed file
  // Or create a new file if it doesn't exist
  var opt = {appendFile: true}
  writeToFile(response.body, "~/Desktop/body.json", opt);

  // Done
  return response;

Check if the first exist

  • Available: Proxyman macOS 5.4.0+

async function onRequest(context, url, request) {

  const filePath = "~/Desktop/myfile.json"
  // check if the file exists
  if (isFileExists(filePath)) {
    console.log("File exists");
  } else {
    console.log("File NOT exists");  
  // Done
  return request;

Read a file

  • If it's text-based -> Return a String

  • Otherwise -> Return Uint8Array

  • Available: Proxyman macOS 5.4.0+

async function onRequest(context, url, request) {  // console.log(request);

  const textFilePath = "~/Desktop/myfile.json";
  // check exist
  if (isFileExists(filePath)) {
    // read from file
    const text = readFromFile(textFilePath);
    // pares string to JSON Object
    const obj = JSON.parse(text);
  // Read binary file
  const binaryFilePath = "~/Desktop/screenshot.png";
  const binaryFile = readFromFile(binaryFilePath); // Uint8Array
  // Done
  return request;

Map Remotes

Map v1 to v2 endpoints

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // Replace v1 to v2 in URL Path
  var newPath = request.path.replace("v1", "v2");
  request.path = newPath

  // Done
  return request;

Map localhost to production

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // Use production URL
  request.scheme = "https"; = "";
  request.port = 443;

  // Done
  return request;

Map production to localhost

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // Use production URL
  request.scheme = "http"; = "localhost";
  request.port = 3000;

  // Done
  return request;

Make async/await HTTP Request (macOS)

GET Request with Query

async function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {  
  // GET Request with Query
  var url = "";
  var output = await $http.get(url);
  // Get Status Code
  // Get body
  // Get header
  // Done
  return response;

POST Request with JSON Body

async function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {  
  // Define JSON Body and Header
  // Make sure "Content-Type" is "application/json"
  var param = {
    body: {
      "user": {
        "name": "Proxyman"
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"

  // POST request with await
  var output = await $"", param);
  // Get Status Code
  // Get body
  // Get header
  // Done
  return response;

POST Request with application/x-www-form-urlencoded body

async function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {  
  // Define form Body and Header
  // Make sure "Content-Type" is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  var param = {
    body: {
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2"
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

  // POST request with await
  var output = await $"", param);
  // Get Status Code
  // Get body
  // Get header
  // Done
  return response;


async function onRequest(context, url, request) {  

  var param = {
    body: {
      "user": {
        "name": "Proxyman"
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"

  var output = await $"", param);
  var output = await $http.put("", param);
  var output = await $http.delete("", param);
  // Done
  return request;

Make async/await HTTP Request (Windows/Linux)

Windows/Linux ships with a built-in Axios library. You can easily make HTTP(s) requests with `Axios` syntax.

async function getUser() {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get('');
  } catch (error) {

Abort the request/response like Block List Tool

  • Only available for Proxyman 3.11.0 and later

Abort the request

function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // drop the connection
function onRequest(context, url, request) {

  // Use the if to abort on certain conditions
  if (true) {
    return; // Must return a void to stop the func

  // Done
  return request;

Abort the response

function onResponse(context, url, request, response) {    
  // drop the connection

URL and URLSearchParams

From Proxyman 4.13.0 or later, URL and URLSearchParams are natively supported.

function onRequest(context, url, request) {

  // URL
  const urlObj = new URL("");

  // URLSearchParmas
  const params1 = new URLSearchParams("foo=1&bar=2");
  // Done
  return request;

Reload System Environment Variables

Proxyman macOS 4.15.0 or later.

Make sure we enable the permission first, in the More Button -> Environment Variables -> Allow all scripts to read env.

async function onRequest(context, url, request) {
  // manually reload to get the latest changes
  // get env
  // Done
  return request;

Last updated